As I see it, we are all “divine sparks.”
I remember one crystalline, spring day when I looked out of my second-story window and saw the pink dogwood tree in the front yard in bloom. Something about it intrigued me, so I looked intently. Every blossom was fully open, perfect. There was not a marred bloom anywhere. I marveled at this. I had a bird’s eye view that day looking out at the top of the tree rather than up from the ground. It occurred to me that life is really like that. It is not the blooms higher up on the tree that are more beautiful or more perfect, it is not the blooms on the bottom of the tree that are less beautiful. Nature had made each bloom exquisite. Aren’t we all like that—beautiful seeds of possibility?
The Divine Sparks story offers that view. Each moment is the culmination of a journey open to the unfolding of life’s blessings. Imagine if we treat each other with the honor and respect due to divine sparks. Imagine a world where instead of those at the top receiving more respect and honor, we all give and receive respect and honor!
Imagine the possibilities.